How do I secure my account with Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)? - Phone Number or Text Method





1.  LOGIN to the Microsoft 365 portal at with your Canton NetID. 


2.  Click on your profile picture in the upper right and then click on VIEW ACCOUNT.


3.  In the Security Info tile, click on UPDATE INFO.


4.  Under Security info, click ADD METHOD.



In this example, we are providing instructions on how to set up your Phone number (or text number) as your default method.  Please note that you should setup more than one method for MFA so you can have a backup option in case your default method is not available.



5.  Select Phone and click ADD.


6. Type in your phone number in the next window, and make sure "Text me a code" is selected and press Next.


7. You will now receive a 6 digit code via Text message that you will need to confirm on the screen in front of you, when that is complete hit Next.


8. You are all finished! Now you can press Done to finalize your settings. 


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Article ID: 143460
Thu 12/8/22 12:47 PM
Tue 12/13/22 3:36 PM