How do I use the instructor station in Nevaldine North 113?



Resolution:  To use the instructor station in Nevaldine North 113, follow the steps below:

  1. Log into the instructor station PC using your SUNY Canton Credentials
  2. Turn on the Interactive Front Panel (IFP) in the front of the classroom using the Viewsonic remote located on the instructor station desk.

ViewSonic remote to control the IFP 

3. Alternatively, you can use the physical power button on the IFP to turn on the panel

4. Turn on the rear TV using the NEC Remote

5. On the instructor station, there are two (2) monitors. The left monitor is not shared with the classroom. Anything that is on the right monitor is visible to anyone in the classroom.

  • You can think of the screens as a 'staging area' (anything on the left screen) and the right screen as the 'main stage'
  • A best practice for this room layout is to open any teaching materials on the left screen, then drag them over to the right screen whenever you end up needing them for the class to see

Dual monitor display on instructor station; left screen is staging area. Right screen is viewable by the class.

6. Once you have both front and rear panels powered on and you are logged into the PC, you can now put on the tracking lanyard.

7. With the tracking lanyard on, press the button in the middle of the medallion while looking at the cameras in the rear of the classroom.

Tracking and video camera located in rear of classroom

8. Once the medallion syncs to the tracking camera, the top light will turn blue and it will begin to follow you as you move around the room. The light on the medallion will also turn blue. If it is still trying to connect to the rear camera, it will be green.

Tracking medallion for Nevaldine North 113

9. Next, to open the document camera, pull the tab on the right side towards you and up. Once fully expanded, the light on the document camera should power on.

10. To view the document camera, simply open the icon on the desktop that says 'Doc Cam.' You should now be able to see the whatever document is located on the bed of the document camera. In order for the rest of the class to see the content, you will need to drag that window to the right screen.

  • To drag it to the right monitor, simply left click and hold next to the word 'Camera' across the top then drag that in the direction of the screen.

11. At the conclusion of your class, simply log out of the computer, turn off the front/rear displays, close the document camera and plug in the medallion.


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Article ID: 147511
Tue 10/3/23 3:52 PM
Tue 10/10/23 10:19 AM