Introduction to the SharePoint Interface

  • SharePoint has six tabs you may navigate between. The following is a brief explanation of each tab.
  • The SharePoint starter page is the home page you start on that shows your recent and frequent sites.

SharePoint start page screenshot


  • The next tab is My Sites, which contains all of the sites you currently have access to.

My Sites screenshot


  • My news will have any recommended news that SharePoint pulls from your sites, if you do not use SharePoint often it may be grayed out.

My News section of SharePoint


  • The My Files tab will display your recent OneDrive/SharePoint files.


  • The My Lists tab shows any lists you have created or have been shared with you from Microsoft Lists.

My Lists screenshot in SharePoint


  • Finally, the Create tab allows you to create news posts and pages if you have the authorization to do so, and also it will let you open the browser version of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, and Lists.

Create tab of SharePoint screenshot