How do I set up self service password reset?


This article guides the user in setting up their self service password reset.




1. Login to the following website with your Canton login info:



2. Click your profile picture in the top right corner.



3. Click "My account"

The Microsoft "My account" button



4. In the Security Info box, click "Set Up Self-Service Password Reset"

The "Set Up Self-Service Password Reset" button



5. If you see the following message, click "re-enter my password", and re-enter your password.

A prompt you may see asking you to confirm your current password



6. Choose your preferred password reset notification method. You will need access to the method you select if you ever need to reset your password. You may also choose multiple if you like.

The available verification methods to verify your identity



7. For example, if you choose "authentication phone", you will be prompted to enter your phone number. You can then choose to receive a code via text or call, and will be prompted to enter the code.

The authentication phone verification menu



8. You will see a green check mark icon next to methods you have set up successfully. If you see at least one of these icons, you will have the option to click "finish", and you may do so.

The authentication method screen with the green check mark icon and finish button



Article ID: 139058
Fri 4/8/22 11:07 AM
Mon 12/2/24 12:57 PM