Best Practices for Secure File Sharing on OneDrive


Best practices for sharing files/folders on OneDrive


  • Ensure you use strong permissions settings to allow only necessary personnel access to your files and folders. For instructions on managing access to your files and folders, click HERE.


  • When granting access via a link, ensure that you put an expiration date on the link to prevent permanent access, set it to work for as few people as possible, and only allow the minimum access necessary.
  • If you make the link accessible to anyone, you can set a password to protect it.

Link to Document Access Options


  • When selecting permissions, you have four options: Can't download, Can view, Can review, and Can edit. Always select the lowest level of permission that will work for your needs.

Screenshot of Permission Choices



Article ID: 153421
Wed 10/16/24 3:51 PM
Tue 12/10/24 9:25 AM