How do I obtain a Passcode from Pharos & Reset it?



Resolution:  To obtain a code from Pharos Secure Release, follow the steps below:


1. In the search menu of your PC, type in 'Pharos Secure Release Setup Guideand select the option that comes up.

Pharos Secure Release Setup Guide in the Search Menu



2. In the window that opens, select 'Login to Continue'

Pharos Secure Release initial launch page



3. Your internet browser will launch and if you are already signed into a SUNY Canton Service, it will automatically sign you in.

Pharos Authenticated succesfully



3A. If you are not signed into any SUNY Canton services, your browser will ask you to sign into your SUNY Canton user account. This is the same information you would use for your SUNY Canton email or Brightspace.



4. Once your account is authenticated, a unique to you code will display on the screen. Additionally, an email from Pharos Cloud will be sent to your SUNY Canton email containing your unique, case sensitive code. An example of the screen you would see can be seen below, with the code blurred out:



5. You are now ready to head to a printer and Register yourself to print!




To reset (obtain a new code) from Pharos Secure Release, follow the steps below:


1) Follow step 1 above, and open up the "Pharos Secure Release Setup Guide

Pharos Secure Release Setup Guide in the Search Menu



2) From here, Pharos will greet you with the 'Welcome to Secure Release' window. Select the avatar icon located in the top right corner, as shown below, and select "Reset Passcode" 



3) You may now follow the original steps to log in and obtain a passcode from Pharos Secure Release!







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Article ID: 147197
Mon 9/11/23 9:20 AM
Mon 3/4/24 1:51 PM