Find information on the installation and maintenance of campus network printers and MFUs.

Articles (10)

How do I obtain a Passcode from Pharos & Reset it?

This article provides a tutorial on how an end user would obtain a passcode from Pharos Secure release for on campus printing at SUNY Canton.

How do I print from my personal laptop?

This article demonstrates how a user would print to a campus printer from their personal laptop.

How do I print my job to the Bypass Tray (Manual Feed) of a Toshiba MFU?

This article demonstrates how an end user prints directly to the Manual Feed/Bypass tray of a Toshiba MFU.

How Do I Scan to Email from a Toshiba eStudio 330AC MFU?

This article demonstrates how a user can scan to email with our current Toshiba MFU setup.

How do I set up Print Release for my Phone?

This article demonstrates how to setup Pharos print release on your cell phone.

How do I use the scanners located on the second floor of the Southworth Library?

This article explains how to use the student access scanners in the Southworth library.