Owner Settings for Guest Permissions


Resolution:  To adjust the Guest permissions of a Team member, follow the steps below:

  1. Open Microsoft Teams: Launch the Teams application on your desktop or access it via the web.
  2. Navigate to the Team: Locate the Team you own and want to manage.

    Example of Team Selection Screen
  3. Access Team Settings: Click the three dots (More options) next to the Team name and select "Manage team."

    Team Owner Drop Down Menu
  4. Go to Settings Tab: On the top of the window, select the "Settings" tab.

    Example of Team Top Ribbon
  5. Go to Guest Permissions: In the Settings window, select the "Guest permissions" tab.

    Screenshot of Guest Permissions Menu
  6. Configure Guest Permissions: You'll find several options to control what guests can do within your Team:

    1. Allow guest to create and update channels: This setting allows guests to create new channels within the Team and modify existing ones. Caution: Enabling this gives guests significant control over the Team's structure. Consider carefully before enabling.

    2. Allow guests to delete channels: This setting allows guests to delete channels they have created. Caution: This can lead to unintended data loss. Exercise caution when enabling

  7. Save Changes: After configuring the desired guest permissions, click "Save" at the bottom of the page to apply your changes.