SUNY Canton 'NetID'

What is it?

Credentials used to access most SUNY Canton systems.  Users are assigned a NetID which formalizes what has been known generically as an individual’s “computer username” or “network account”.  NetID accounts are assigned an initial default password.  It is strongly recommended passwords are changed often and are complex in nature. See Microsoft's Tips for Creating a Strong Password.

Who is eligible to use it?

All faculty, staff, and current students are provided campus credentials.

Where can I get it?

To find information on how to locate these credentials, please see the knowledge base article located HERE.

How do I use it?

You can use your credentials to access Email, Brightspace, DegreeWorks, and most other SUNY Campus systems. 

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Tue 3/30/21 11:16 AM
Mon 3/4/24 4:03 PM