Frequently Asked Questions

▼ When can I access my classes on Brightspace?
Brightspace classes will become available one week prior to the start of your class. Prior to this date, you will see an error message saying "There was a problem processing your authentication." You may also receive this error message if you have yet to process your bill for the current semester. You can process the bill through the UCanWeb Payment Portal.
▼ How do I reset my password?
To reset your password, go to the Microsoft login page and click "Forgot Password".  Follow the instructions to receive a reset link via email.
▼ How do I print on campus from a personal device?
To print to a Pharos printer from your personal device, simply go to while on the SUNYCanton-Private and sign in with your SUNY Canton email address.
▼ How do I register my card for Pharos printing?
When you try to print to Pharos for the first time, you should receive an email with a registration code from "" When you swipe your ID card at a printer, input this code to register your card.
▼ What should I include when emailing the Help Desk?
Please ensure that you include the nature of the problem, your student ID number, SUNY Canton email address, and any pertinent information such as how long the issue has been occurring. If you are having issues with a classroom, be sure to include the room number and building where the issue is occurring. If the issue is a program, like Brightspace or UCanWeb, the program name should also be included in the email.

**You should NEVER include any personal identifying information such as Social Security Numbers, passwords, etc. 
▼ What issues can the Help Desk assist me with?
The Help Desk can assist with a broad range of issues relating to technology. We repair and diagnose both software and hardware issues on state devices, and provide limited assistance for personal devices. We also provide support for on-campus events and classrooms. For more information on the different types of support that we offer, please take a look at our Service Catalog.
▼ Where can I find my default login information?
You can find your default login information on UCanWeb. Sign in using the bottom option "Login for Alumni, Readmit or Inactive Students and Former Employees." On the sign-in page, your username is going to be either your student/staff ID number or your full Social Security Number (SSN). 
▼ How do I connect to the private WiFi network?
To attempt to connect to the private network, you will want to connect to the "SUNYCanton-Private" network. To login you will need to use your SUNY Canton NetID (SUNY Canton email without and the password that you use to sign into your Brightspace or email.

If you are on an Android device, you will need to select "Do not Validate" on the CA Certificate field.

If you are using an Apple device, after you sign-in you will need to select the "Trust" option on the next pop-up window.
▼ How often do I have to change my password?
Your email password needs to be changed annually, and the Help Desk will send you a notification when it needs to be changed. Starting 7 days before the reset day, we'll send daily notifications to your SUNY Canton email address as a reminder. If you have not reset your password by the final day, your account will lock and will require you to contact the Help Desk.