Popular Services

Information on credentials used to log into SUNY Canton email, Brightspace, Degreeworks and most other campus services.

Would you like to report an issue with a campus system? Please submit a ticket using this service!

PC wont start up, or is beyond a "tune up" or cleaning? Please use this service to schedule an appointment with our Student Help Desk team for a complete PC Rebuild including common data backup, a fresh install of Windows, Necessary Drivers, & the Microsoft Office Suite.

Unable to remember your password, has it expired before you could change it, or are you having trouble using the Self Service Reset Tool? Please use this service to submit a ticket directly to the Help Desk for a password reset.

The SUNY Canton Help Desk while unable to troubleshoot/repair hardware or physical components to your computer, our Help Desk student team are able to assist in resolving a multitude of standard and intermediate issues involving PC software in all varieties.

This service houses robust informational guides, tips, and answers to any and all questions you might have as a new Student, Faculty, or Staff member here at SUNY Canton!

This service assists users in locating the schedule and locations of open access (student accessible) PC's and Labs on campus.

This service allows users to submit requests for the creation, configuring, and deletion of both new and existing elements within TeamDynamix.